Mass Begins Again in the Ballroom for Overflow

11:15 AM Sunday Mass in the Ballroom Begins October 11, 2020

With the increase in attendance at our 11 AM Mass on Sundays, along with the inclusion of the Faith Formation Families looking for Mass after their children’s classes are over, we have decided to provide an additional weekend Mass in the Ballroom at 11:15 AM each Sunday until further notice. 

Out of an abundance of care for your safety, not only will the church protocols of mask wearing and sanitizing processes be duplicated in the Ballroom, the chairs have been grouped in a socially distanced and responsible level, and cannot be moved.  Please enter or exit from either the Ballroom Front Entrance or the Entrance near the Pulte Family Life Center.

Adoration will be moved from Rome into the Ballroom, with the same schedule, Monday – Friday from 9 AM (immediately after Daily Mass) to 4 PM. 

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