Buildings and Grounds Council

GardenFrontThe scope of the Buildings and Grounds Council is to provide future direction, advice, and insight for the physical plant of Saint John the Evangelist, to include all buildings, the grounds, and all utilities therein.  The focus should always be towards achieving the Mission of Saint John and enriching the faith of our Parish Family and visitors through the campus of Saint John.

The Council will meet quarterly to evaluate any long-term strategy planning that is required to provide such a large and complex environment with multiple purposes.  The Council will advise the Pastor of Saint John, the General Manager, and the Facilities Manager on topics brought to the council by the clergy and staff, as well as develop an agenda for each meeting with a particular focus on a future initiative.  The Council will be directly involved with the planning process for any new campus change and forecast needs that match the Mission of Saint John, including providing decision making support on Capital Planning and other subcommittees of Saint John, in conjunction with the Finance Council and Pastoral Stewardship Council.  Suggestions for improvement of the current environment will also be part of the responsibility of the Buildings and Grounds Council.

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