Join us Here Starting on Monday, May 18, 2020
Saint John the Evangelist is blessed to be given the opportunity to return to public celebration of Mass beginning Monday, May 18, 2020! We will have Daily Masses and Weekend Masses for our Parish Family to begin to participate in our church again. It has been truly difficult for us all to not go to Mass during this time of the pandemic. Participation in Mass is a testimony of belonging and of being faithful to Christ and to his Church and it is a privilege to provide Mass to our Parish Family.
When we return to public worship we will need to respect the restrictions and guidelines that the health professionals have provided, as well as our state and Diocesan directives. Choices will need to be made on the part of each individual. The obligation to attend Mass on Sunday has been lifted until June 28, 2020, so please do not feel like you are “required” to attend in person. We will continue to stream our Daily and Weekend Masses for our Parish Family and all our Friends around the world.
We will be returning to our normal schedule of Masses beginning May 18, 2020, so please check our website for the specific days and times. If an Overflow Mass is needed, that Mass will be in our Ballroom, and it will begin 15 minutes after the Church Mass. Confessions will continue to be heard on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays, now immediately after Daily Mass is concluded. Visitation in the church will continue on weekdays after the Daily Mass until 1:00 PM.
If you do feel called to attend Mass in person, please be aware of the the following policies and procedures for Saint John the Evangelist:
- If you have any illness of any kind, or are exhibiting any symptoms, please stay home.
- If you are “at risk”, including over the age of 65, have an underlying health condition, or are taking care of a loved one that is at risk, please consider staying home.
- By entering our church, you are acknowledging the potential risk for you to be in a public location. You will be praying at your own risk and accept that you will not be able to hold Saint John the Evangelist Catholic Church, the Diocese of Venice, or any party within those organizations accountable for any illness or injury that may befall you.
- Access to and from the church will only be allowed through the main Front Doors. Do not use the side doors, even to exit, except in an emergency.
- Please park in the Front Lot if possible. Allow for those who are handicapped to use the closest spots.
- You must bring your own Personal Protective Equipment to church. You must minimally wear a mask at all times while inside the building.
- We encourage you to bring your own gloves and hand sanitizer to church. Our hand sanitizer stations are available in the Narthex.
- You will be greeted by our Ushers. You must respect any and all directions provided by the Usher.
- Any questions you may have about the church, the processes, or any other topic should be directed to the Front Office of the Church and the Business Manager or Pastor, not the Ushers. They will refer you to the Front Office.
- 25% of Capacity of Parishioners will be allowed within the church at any one time. If there are more Parishioners than appropriate in the church, other individuals will be asked to wait in line with the 6-foot social distancing on the decal locations or an Overflow Mass will be provided in the Ballroom.
- Specific pews and locations within the church will be marked for appropriate social distancing. Please respect the personal space of other faithful visitors. Do not attempt to walk, sit, stand, or kneel in any other location than what has been identified.