Join Us for Adoration Beginning July 27, 2020, in Rome
UPDATE: Adoration Chapel Moved to the Ballroom on October 6, 2020 – Same Days and Times
In order to provide a safe and appropriate faith environment for our Parish Family, Saint John the Evangelist will be establishing a temporary Adoration Chapel within our Parish Activity Center Rome Room (immediately behind the Church building). We will have Adoration available Monday through Friday, from 9 AM to 4 PM. We have chosen Rome as there is enough space for 10 people to socially distance while retaining the intimacy of a Chapel. With funerals and other services within our church building, using Rome will allow for a consistent availability for Adoration.
Access to Rome as our temporary Adoration Chapel will be provided via fobs, just like the Adoration Chapel at the church was prior to the closure. If you have not received your fob yet, please come to the Front Office during our business hours (Monday – Friday from 8:30 AM to 4 PM) and we will provide you with one.
We ask that you respect the following guidelines when using the temporary chapel:
- The maximum amount of people allowed in Rome is 10. If there are already 10 people in the room, please wait outside until an individual leaves before beginning to pray.
- Please wear a mask at all times while within the room.
- Please do not attempt to enter any other part of the facility. Access to Rome is for praying only.
- Please utilize your own hand sanitizer or the provided stand of sanitizer to ensure your safety.
- Please wipe down any surfaces you may touch or lean on (kneelers, etc.) with the provided wipes.
- Please do not let anyone in that does not have a fob. They must come to the Front Office to receive their fob before entering the Chapel.
We hope this additional opportunity for prayer and adoration will assist our Parish Family in connection with our Catholic Faith.