Thank You, Lan, our Sacristan
Many Catholics are not aware of the planning, logistics, and structure needed to successfully perform one of our our most sacred moments, the Mass. The Roman Missal, the book of prayers and instructions for celebrating Mass, has over 1500 pages. From the color of the altar cloth to the readings to the positioning of vessels, every detail is planned out for every service. Some are very simple, others, like the beautiful Easter Vigil, take weeks of preparation. When we have between 10 to 2,000 people celebrating together, with various liturgical requirements and unique needs, our church requires a group of people dedicated to supporting the priests, the ministries, and the Parish Family within our church. Those individuals are called Sacristans. It is the responsibility of the Sacristans to prepare the church for Mass and ensure a joyous and positive experience for those serving the Mass (clergy, musicians, lectors, ushers, EM’s, and altar servers), and our parishioners and visitors. From opening the church at 7AM to closing it up at 6PM, and for every Baptism, Funeral, and service in between, the Sacristan prepares our church, stocks our liturgical materials, and handles all the details that allow our priests to focus on pastoral support and engagement with all of us. While they may appear invisible sometimes, the Sacristans are the glue of our liturgical environment.
We have been blessed to have Lan Tran as our Sacristan for the past 5 years. She had volunteered to assist the Sacristan for almost 10 years prior to her employment, so she has amassed over 15 years of service here at Saint John. Lan will continue to support our Parish Family as a volunteer Sacristan as she focuses more on her family, so this is not a goodbye at all. We hope to have Lan with us for at least another 15 years! If you are interested in assisting Lan with this critical responsibility, please contact the Business Manager, JP Boucher at: [email protected]
Thanks to Jack for Developing the Best Adult Faith Formation Program!

We are so grateful to Jack Kindsvater for all of his hard work and dedication that he poured into his role as Adult Faith Formation Coordinator and RCIA Leader these past five years at St. John. Jack was successful in establishing thriving adult programs and building a passionate team of adult leaders in ministry. Jack and his team provided a “first class” experience of Adult Faith Formation as well as wonderful hospitality! Jack also provided support to the parents of children in Faith Formation by offering parent education while children were in class sessions. As we initiated new members into the church this past weekend, under his fearless leadership, we are grateful for his endless efforts and great collaboration in Faith Formation. While our current condition in this time of pandemic has called for restructuring of our lead positions in Faith Formation, we are grateful for Jack’s service and look forward to his consultation and guidance as we move forward. Thank you, Jack!
Our Rock, Deb Marsh, Retiring as Parish Secretary

When it came to solving any issue or challenge our staff needed to overcome for our Parish Family, Deborah Marsh, our Parish Secretary, was the go-to person. From her wealth of knowledge about our church’s history to her ability to solve any problem thrown at her, Deb is always willing to help out. She dealt with our families at the best of times, like Baptisms, as well as the worst of times, like when she planned funerals for loved ones. Deb managed our essential Parish Records, ensuring they were up-to-date, as well as our volunteer program, including fingerprinting and background checks. Deb will be missed by our staff, but luckily, she is not going anywhere and will continue to be a valuable part of our Parish Family for years to come. Thank you, Deb!