Category: Events
Knights of Columbus Sponsoring First Annual Catholic College Fair at Saint John
New Programs at Saint John for Young Adults, Couples, and Families

We are very excited to announce several new (and renewed) programs and events that have been requested by you, the parishioners, through our Family Mission questionnaire. Families in Christ – Moved to Sunday Morning prior to 11AM Mass with a renewed focus on the Parish Mission and quarterly themes in…
Knights of Columbus Independence Day Party Celebrates Our Veterans

The Knights of Columbus Arthur J. Corr Assembly 3308 honored several veterans and celebrated the birthday of the United States in grand style this past weekend with an evening of delicious food from Frisco’s, music and dancing. Please join the Knights and Saint John the Evangelist Catholic Church in thanking…
VBS Celebration and Thanks to Volunteers

Hopefully, you have all gotten a chance to see just how much fun Wilderness Escape was for the over 200 children that participated in our Vacation Bible School this summer. Their pictures have graced both our bulletin and our website ( Perhaps the greatest joy for me was seeing the…