New Programs at Saint John for Young Adults, Couples, and Families

FIC0114We are very excited to announce several new (and renewed) programs and events that have been requested by you, the parishioners, through our Family Mission questionnaire.

  • Families in Christ – Moved to Sunday Morning prior to 11AM Mass with a renewed focus on the Parish Mission and quarterly themes in conjunction with the Salesian Sisters.
  • Trunk or Treat – Fun fall family event in the back parking lot with cars, trucks, and vans decorated for Halloween with prizes for costumes and food and music
  • Theology on Tap – Monthly onsite get-together at Saint John for Young Adults (18-95) to meet new people and chat about various topics in a social and relaxed atmosphere
  • Marriage Encounter – Quarterly comfortable dinner and discussion for couples to talk to each other and listen to topics that are relevant to their lives
  • Senior Prom – Youth-sponsored and run event to welcome seasonal (and other more “mature”) parishioners with a Prom: cross-generational music, dancing, décor, pictures and the crowning of the King and Queen. We want the Prom is open to all parishioners so if you do not have a “date”, the high schoolers are excited to take you to the Prom.
  • Night in Bethlehem and Passion Play – Liturgical-focused events that engage and encourage the love and community of our parish

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