Frequently Asked Questions about our Visitation
While we are so blessed to be able to again pray in our church, we want to do so in as healthy a way as possible. Our Policies and Procedures for “Visitation”, or quiet, individual prayer and adoration, help to ensure our Parish Family can enjoy a wonderful spiritual moment within our church in a safe environment. Some questions have arisen since we opened our church for Visitation, so we wanted to inform our entire Parish Family about the answers:
When will In-Person Mass start again?
Unfortunately, we do not have a specific time frame for the availability of Mass to be held in person. We will communicate this opportunity as soon as it becomes available.
When can I pray?
You can come to Saint John to pray Monday through Friday, from 9:30 AM to 1:30 PM each day. On the weekend, you can come on Saturday and Sunday from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM.
Can I hold a funeral or other Sacramental Activity at Saint John?
Yes, we are scheduling funerals, weddings, and other Sacramental Activities within our church. The hours of Visitation will be modified on those days to allow for 10 people total to attend those activities. There can only be a maximum of 10 people within the church building, so we will prioritize its use for a Sacramental Activity.
If we have a funeral in the church, can we stream it?
Yes, we are ready to provide our streaming service free of charge for any funeral or other Sacramental Activity that takes place in our church. However, there is an individual who must run the cameras, so it would mean you would have to reduce your attendees by one person to allow for the camera person,
Is the Adoration Chapel open?
Unfortunately, no, the Adoration Chapel will remain closed until further notice as it is not a safe location where proper social distancing can be maintained.

Where is Confession?
You can continue to receive Reconciliation here at Saint John via your vehicle by driving to the Middle Parking Lot and stopping in front of our Homeless Jesus statue. We have Confessions on Mondays and Wednesdays at 9:30 AM and Saturdays at 4:00 PM, to match our Visitation schedule.
Seriously, when is Mass starting again?
We are still awaiting approval and guidance to begin Mass as soon as it is appropriate and safe to do so. We all are excited for that day to come!