Vacation Bible School Day 5: God Guides Us, so Trust God!

IMG_2194We had an amazing last day of Vacation Bible School on Friday, receiving the 10 Commandments from God and Moses, learning how God guides us even when we don’t know where we are going.  Everyone received their tribe pictures and all the crafts they have made all week long.  After a trip through the maze in Tribe Time and some exciting water games, the children all got a very special treat for snack, 10-topping ice cream!  We closed out the week with our favorite Saint, Saint Anthony of the desert (thanks to Tom Oram for bringing our Saint of the Week to life, along with all the musicians).

The most powerful part of the day for me, however, was seeing the over 400 people attend our post-VBS dinner.  I need to thank each and every one of the families that took the time to support their children in attending VBS and prioritizing the faith of their family.  I hope you all had as much fun as I did this week and I cannot wait to see you again next year!

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