Selling out of Recent Events Showcases Need for Life Center

IMG_7664If you take a look throughout our bulletin, on our website, and anywhere around the Saint John campus, you can see just how many events and programs our active Parish Family gets to experience. Never before in our history have major events like our Super Bowl Party, Forgotten Broadway, and JOP Casino Night sold out so fast and been so well attended. New events like the Senior Prom and Trunk or Treat have had amazing support, even though they have never been done at Saint John before. We have even more exciting new opportunities for all the members of our Parish Family to know, love and serve God in the coming months and years: from Divorced and Separated Support Groups, monthly couple dinners to learn from experienced relationships, food distribution support for the homeless, and the first Catholic Youth Organization in Florida.

If there is one thing that these events have illustrated, it is the need for more available space for activities for our Parish Family. Some people have asked, “Can we use what we have already?” The answer is simply, “no”. The space we have now does not accommodate afterschool programs for parishioner and disadvantaged youth in the area. The space we have now does not have the engagement possibilities to bring people to Saint John and have them want to stay for more than just a meeting or a Mass during the course of their day. The new Life Center has the ability to do all of this, to feed our souls and our bodies, and support the community, which is crying out for our beliefs and our spirituality, our joy and our happiness. Father John will be making the Future of our Parish Family the focus for the Masses next weekend, but if you want to learn more, please join us at one of our Awareness Sessions in the coming weeks. The dates and times can be found here.

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