Getting #ToKnow Our Staff – Assistant to the Director of Religious Education Tauni Grossklas

Tauni Grossklas IMG_0210In our continued efforts to invigorate Saint John programs and events, especially to create a joyous, inclusive, and engaging environment, we have been blessed with many staff members that embody those traits that our Holy Father calls “the Church as a Mother”. Our latest hire will be bringing her enthusiasm and warm demeanor to supporting our Faith Formation programs as the Assistant to the Director of Religious Education, Tauni Grossklas.

I have been a parishioner at Saint John for the past four years. I am also a graduate of Ave Maria University, where I majored in Political Economy and Government. As an alumnus of a Catholic University, I also studied Theology and Philosophy as part of the Liberal Arts curriculum. In addition to my new position at Saint John, I am a full time mother and wife. My husband’s name is Dennis and our daughter’s name is Abigail.

Tauni will be assisting Natalie Campbell in organizing and executing the wonderful program that supports over 300 youth of our parish in their spiritual and educational growth. This is no easy task as we have more children that made their First Reconciliation last month than some parishes have in their entire Faith Formation program. It is a testament to the growth and activity of our Parish Family and Tauni is a wonderful addition to our program.

I am very excited to get to know more of the families here at Saint John. Most importantly, I am looking forward to helping our families come to know, love and serve God, through our Religious Education Programs.

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