Parking Lot Completed and Matching Opportunity Details

With all the repairs and construction occurring on our campus following Hurricane Irma, it can be difficult to see some of the progress.  However, our new Front Parking Lot certainly is a major improvement that we are excited about.  The newly engineered layout, which allows for two-way traffic and side-by-side parking, increases the amount of parking spots by over 40 just in the front area alone.  The storm damage actually increases our side parking and middle lots as well, with another 40 spots opening up.  Hopefully these new spaces will ensure everyone can park properly and safely on our campus.

Further progress has been made on several other projects, including the Life Center and our Ballroom restoration.

As we Build Our Future, Serve Our Past, we still need all the gifts, prayers, and support of our Parish Family.  For the next month, a generous donor will match any and all donations for our Building Fund up to $200,000.  This challenge is from a non-parishioner, a community member who has chosen to give to St. John’s as a way of acknowledging the great work the parish does in the community; a person who didn’t want to pass up the opportunity to help Saint John the Evangelist continue our great work.  Please use your blue Capital Campaign envelopes to ensure your gifts will become part of this matching opportunity.  Make your checks out to Saint John the Evangelist and put “Hurricane Repairs” or “Building Fund” in the Memo Line.  If you have any questions, please contact Jean-Paul Boucher, at 239-566-8740 or email: [email protected].

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