Parish Information Clean-Up: Final Step, Check Your Envelopes and Information

NewEnvelopeAs those of you who read this page frequently have seen, we have been “transitioning” from our old parish computer system (called Logos) to our new one from the Diocese, called ParishSOFT. It has been a long and winding road, and we have had countless hours of dedicated volunteers working to make the information usable and functional. In fact, we have been able to remove thousands of old and stale records of families that have not attended Saint John in years, including those that have moved. To say our information was out of date would be an understatement.

Now that the information has been cleaned up, we are finding a few final issues that we are addressing. If you have seen any issues with your recent envelopes, please contact the office at: [email protected] so they can assist with clearing up anything that may still be wrong. We are looking forward to using this new system to make signing up for Ministries simple, integrating the online giving with the standard offertory so you will get a single (and correct) tax form, not requiring 400 pages of duplicative work to sign up your children for Faith Formation, and many other improvements for you as our Parish Family.

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