New and Renewed Events for 2016!

When I look over our calendar of programs here at Saint John for the upcoming months, it fills me with joy to see so many opportunities to be involved with our Parish Family.  From the JOP Casino Night to the Men’s Club Big Band Dances to the Cub Scout Pancake Breakfasts, we have many events that will give us all time to live out our Mission.  Even more enlivening is the new and renewed events we have coming up.  I wanted to point several out to you since they tie into the future programs of Saint John for you:

  • Small-Biz-SignSmall Business Fair – January 17th, After Sunday Masses: Did you know that the person sitting next to you in the pew may have a business that can help you at home or in your life?  Our Small Business Fair will give you an opportunity to meet those fellow Parish Family Members and learn about their capabilities.
  • KoC Dinner with Bishop Dewane – January 29th, 6 PM: Come support the Knights of Columbus’ focus, Building the Domestic Church While Strengthening Our Parish, with wonderful French cuisine, music from Tom and Ellie, and an opportunity to break bread with Bishop Dewane.  All proceeds go to support Seminarians in the Diocese of Venice.
  • Super_Bowl_50_logoSuper Bowl Party – February 7th, 5:30 PM: With a new tailgating party ahead of the Big Game in the back parking lot with games for all ages, new food options, and different in-game entertainment, we are renewing the Super Bowl Party, including special pricing for families.  This fun event benefits the Youth Group.
  • Feeding Hunger / Filling Hearts – February 10th, After 12 PM Mass and 5 PM Mass: Ash Wednesday is a time for reflection on and during this Year of Mercy in particular, we have an opportunity to support Guadalupe Social Services again.  With the Ladies of Charity and Knights of Columbus leading our support to this event, we can come together to beat last year’s fundraising of $13,000 for Immokalee.
  • Senior Prom – February 20th, 6 PM: Last year, we introduced a new event, the “Senior” Prom.  The Youth Group will deck out the Ballroom like your high school gymnasium, complete with a photo booth, corsages, and boutonnieres so you can relive your high school prom, no matter if that was 5, 15, 50 or 80 years ago.  Music from the 40’s through the 80’s and even today play and all ages boogey together, learning each other’s dances.  With a great meal and refreshments (someone spiked the punch last year), it is a night of cross-generational revelry.
  • Parish Picnic and Ministry Fair – February 28th, 11 AM: Every Ministry and group at Saint John’s welcomes all the Parish Family and our guests to the annual Parish Picnic and Ministry Fair.  Come learn about the opportunities you have to serve our Church and the larger community from the over 50 groups, as well as to enjoy the food, drinks, games, rides, and prizes we will have spread out over the campus of Saint John!
  • St-Pat-DSCN1218Saint Patrick’s Day Party – March 13th, 6 PM: How can you go wrong celebrating Saint Patrick’s Day with Father John, Irish music, traditional Irish beverages, step dancing, and all the traditional fixings of corned beef and cabbage? New family ticket pricing and food options will give our entire Parish Family an opportunity to join in the fun.

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