Better is the end of a thing than its beginning;
better is a patient spirit than a lofty one.
– Ecclesiastes 7:8
After Father Tom’s stirring Homily last weekend, describing the state of our Parish Family and our campus, as well as illustrating the final step we will need to take together to complete our loan to the Diocese, members of our Finance Council and our Buildings and Grounds Council were ready to explain the situation in detail and openly discuss our next steps together. The question we received the most, and that we have been hearing since we described our Finish the Church Campaign, was “The Church looks done to me. Why do we need to finish it?”
Of course, we are excited that the church is nearly complete and to the standard view, looks to be “finished”. The reality is different in two tangible ways, and that is why we have the Finish the Church call to action:
- Financial Responsibility: The transformation of our Sanctuary, and truly the entire building of our church was a massive effort. We are so blessed that we only have $1.5 million left to pay off the loan. As father mentioned in his Homily, if every family of Saint John was able to contribute $456, our loan would be completed. We completely understand that this number is unattainable for some, and yet for others, they could contribute for 10 other families. We hope you will be able to assist us Finish the Church by paying off this loan as quickly as possible.
- Church is Not Actually Complete: we are still working on the final touches that while are smaller than the brand-new marble altar and statues, need to be completed. For example, we will be completely transforming the parking area immediately adjacent to the front entrance of the church. You may recall that area had been reserved for the priests and only 1 or 2 handicap spaces. This area will now become fully utilized for handicap and special needs individuals and families, including expectant mothers. Streaming of the Mass onto the large displays in the Narthex for the families and others that participate in that section of the church has just been activated for this weekend. Handicap Signage for the pews was just installed last month. These smaller projects still need to be completed, hence we still need to Finish the Church.