In our continued evaluation of the most effective and efficient way to communicate our financial environment here at Saint John the Evangelist, we welcome your suggestions. The past few weeks, we have illustrated the true Income of the Parish Family, as well as its expenses. We want to make that information even more digestible, while providing clarity on what and how we utilize your wonderous gifts for our Mission. In following weeks, we will delve into specifics of programs, Ministries, and operations. This week, we wanted to try out a visual representation of the specific details of both our Income and our Expenses on a weekly basis.

Our Income is made up of three core areas. The Offertory, which includes the donations provided in the collection baskets, as well as our online giving program called WeShare, is the bulk of the funds provided to the Parish. Our Standard Income includes special gifts provided outside the Offertory, as well as the rental of our facilities, our Religious Education, and our Poor Box, which goes immediately to the direct support program of our Saint Vincent DePaul Ministry. Our Other Income is made up of the various Ministry activities, the Divine Gift Boutique, and our CYO and CAO Programs. This past week, the total of all three areas was $59,976.88.
Our Expenses is made up of only 2 areas. Our Standard Expenses include the cost of the payroll and benefits of the clergy and staff, the operations of our facilities, and the services we provide on a pastoral basis, including our tuition assistance to the local Catholic Schools. The Other Expenses include Ministry Activities as well as the cost of the CYO and CAO Programs. This past week, our total expenses were $28,284.66.
You may be under the impression that this showcases a significant surplus of funds for the Parish. However, that is not the case. The weekly expenses will fluctuate, especially when larger costs, like the electricity for our buildings or a payroll week, occur, and we must operate understanding there are monthly, quarterly, and annual expenses to consider. That is why we had traditionally placed our weekly budget in the chart with the Offertory report, so you could see a more consistent number. Please provide us with feedback if that is something you would again find helpful and we will include the week’s budget in this new chart format or if you have any other suggestions or questions you would like answered.