Immokalee Mission Team Update

photo 2We have established a team dedicated to discovering and assisting programs for service in Immokalee called the IMT, or Immokaleee Mission Team. The Vision of this team is:

A centralized and collaborative team to engage the entire parish consistently and existing organizations and create additional opportunities to support the individuals of Immokalee with core humanitarian needs: Food, Clothing, and Shelter

We have already begun our weekly trips, and Catholic Charities in Immokalee sent us this picture of the gratitude they are feeling for Saint John. There will be specific details of the programs and needs for our parish coming soon as we determine the most effective ways to help.

We established a specific online collection program for Saint John Immokalee Mission Team support here:

From Catholic Charities

Just thought I’d show you how our homeless population gives back. Eats and showers here then helps us load up our food pantry in the afternoon. 🙂 the VBS shirts have been well received too! We *heart* St. John’s!


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