Getting #ToKnow Our Staff – Facilities and Project Manager Rich Neville

richSaint John has some of the most beautiful and engaging church facilities in Southwest Florida (in my humble opinion). This is due to a large group of volunteers (especially our Buildings and Grounds Committee) and staff that works tirelessly year-round. These facilities continue to serve our parish well, even as they reach into their second decade and beyond. You may have seen in the past few months, however, that we have taken a very active and proactive stance in cleaning and maintaining our buildings. This is due in large part to one of our newest employees, Rich Neville.

It was a wandering path that led me to Saint John the Evangelist. I had just declined an offer from an organization that I had been interviewing with for three months. After a few minutes I began to question the practicality of my decision. In my heart I felt that if it took that long to make a hiring decision they would not be decisive in the management and development of their properties. Thirty minutes later Scott called me and we had a brief and honest conversation about Saint John and the buildings and grounds. I knew this was where I was supposed to be.

I have 20 years of experience in commercial and multi-family construction management. Much of that time spent in repair and renovation. I find that I am drawn to more challenging projects.

We have already seen Rich’s capabilities significantly enhance our abilities here at Saint John. From leveling our parking lots during Parish Beautification Day, to managing complex concurrent projects for Air Conditioning, Fire Control, and Cleaning at the same time, we are blessed to have Rich on staff, leading the charge.

I am excited about the future of Saint John the Evangelist.  


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