Lord God, be well disposed to our prayers, and bless + this vehicle with your holy hand. Appoint your holy angels as an escort over it, who will always shield its passengers and keep them safe from accidents… – Roman Ritual for Blessing of Things Designated for Ordinary Use / Automobile or Other Vehicle
We have been blessed tremendously by our Parish Family. You have all responded so generously to our call to Finish the Church. We are excited to continue on this journey together to complete our responsibilities to the larger community around us. One of those responsibilities we cannot forget while we work hard to complete our own campus is the assessment from the Diocese of Venice, called the Catholic Faith Appeal (CFA). The CFA serves Southwest Florida’s most in need and at-risk individuals with Immigration Services for Migrant Workers, Affordable Housing for Seniors, Combating Human Trafficking, and Tuition Assistance for Low Income Families for Catholic Education, to name just a few programs.

In order to assist us in accomplishing the challenge of our CFA Goal on an annual basis, we wanted to start off 2020 on the right foot with a new opportunity here at Saint John, a car raffle. The 2020 Saint John CFA Car Raffle will begin here as a stocking stuffer in December. Raffle tickets will be $20 a ticket, with packs of 6 for $100. We hope to sell a significant amount of tickets through Easter, with the winner being picked at the annual Easter Egg Hunt the Saturday of Holy Week. The prize is something special as well: a brand new 2020 Audi Q3 from Audi of Naples, who is charitably providing this vehicle to our Parish Family:
Of course, this does not negate our responsibility to complete our 2019 Goal, but it will position us greatly for the following years. So, get ready for your chance to win! More details will be coming soon!