Volunteers are being organized now! If you, or someone in your family, or a friend or a neighbor, have an interest in being a part of this incredible project, now is the time to let us know.
Thanksgiving in the Park is a wonderful opportunity to serve by sharing food, culture, and love. Last year, we fed over 1,700 people on Thanksgiving Day, and the number keeps growing. We need all the help we can get! The opportunities to share in the event are many and, once again, Collier County public high school students will gain volunteer service hours for their participation!
Saturday, November 23, and Sunday, November 24: Bring Your Turkey (and Pies) to Church Weekend –. To feed everyone in need, we need at least 100 turkeys! Please bring a pre-cooked, frozen turkey to Mass this weekend. Pre-cooked – Frozen turkeys can be purchased at Walmart and Publix, where you can find them at the deli counter or in the frozen food area. We also need pies! So, this weekend we will collect store-bought pies as well.
Wednesday, November 27: Turkey Shredding and Packing Day – Volunteers are needed to shred the turkeys we have received. The 2-hour shifts will begin at 8:00 AM and continue until 4:00 PM. Please bring your own kitchen knives and utensils to cut up the turkeys. There is work for all ages. Teach your children about service and volunteerism early by bringing them along.
Thursday, November 28: Serving Thanksgiving Lunch – We will gather at the Immokalee Airport Park at 8:30 AM to setup both the park and the food service. Volunteers are needed to get the food warmed up and ready for the 11:00 AM start. Once the meal is concluded, further assistance is needed in cleaning and packing the materials to return to St. John.
Friday, November 29: Clean-Up Morning – Beginning at 9:00 AM, utilizing our industrial kitchen’s dishwasher and sinks, we will clean all the pots, pans, and other materials from the park.
Whew!! So much to do and lots of hands needed to get it all done! If you are interested in supporting this wonderful time of encounter and service, please call or email me, Susan Hession, to sign up for one or more of the activities. Please provide the names of the volunteers (ages if they are young people), and the day(s) and time(s) you can help. Email – [email protected] or Phone – (856) 425-9274. Thank you so much for continuing to serve the community with your gifts of time, talent, and treasure!