Finance Spotlight: Tuition Assistance Supports Youth of Parish at Catholic Schools

st john nuemann student ambassadorsIt is getting to be that time of the year.  Families across our parish are thinking about their plans for next year.  While we have some exciting announcements planned for next weekend’s Families in Christ about programs beginning for the upcoming school year.  I wanted to take a few moments this weekend to discuss Catholic School tuition assistance.  St. John has been able to support the elementary, middle, and high schools in the area providing quality Catholic education steeped in the humanities and continuing the ethical responsibility that comes from a Catholic educational environment.

A joint committee of the Finance Council and the Pastoral Stewardship Council assist Father John and me with the dozens of applications for our tuition assistance on a yearly basis.  We have some very clear criteria for the award of this support:

  1. Financial Need – Did you know it can cost over $11,000 a year for a Catholic education in Naples? While this may be less than some of the other private schools, it can cause a significant financial concern for a family.  There are families that are struggling to make ends meet without this burden and we take those needs into consideration.
  2. Active Participation in our Parish Family – I have made comments in the past about utilizing our offertory envelopes to illustrate your time at church. It does not have to have a single penny inside of it, but it helps us understand and appreciate the fact that you are coming to church.  Other efforts, like participation in parish events and programs, like Faith Formation, youth activities like Lectors, Altar Servers, Youth Group, the Cub and Boy Scouts are tremendous illustrations of that participation as well.  We have some youth that volunteer at Guadalupe Social Services in the Soup Kitchen.  Still others that teach Faith Formation.  Adult participation is also key.  We have opportunities like Vacation Bible School, the Knights of Columbus, and the Ladies of Charity as just a few volunteer opportunities.  These services to our parish and the community are clear illustrations of the connection to our faith and we support those students and their families.
  3. Circumstances – Not all cases are clear cut, and as our Holy Father has asked of all churches, we need to respond to individual circumstances with pastoral care. A family may look like they have all the money in the world on paper, but there could be a recent illness or job loss.  There may be other difficulties that call for our support, and we respond in every way possible.  Father John will take meetings with those families privately and make the final decision on their needs and our support.

So, I just want to ensure all the parents and guardians of our Parish Family know this opportunity for support if you make the decision to pursue Catholic education for your children.  And for those of you whose children have grown, please know that your generosity for St. John are going to help form the future of our Catholic faith.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart for those gifts and the hope they are creating.

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