Special Ministry Calling: Grief Support Group Counselors Needed

holding-hands-file000904300678I have had the honor of getting to know Dolores “Dee” Donnelly for several years now.  If the Holy Spirit could come down and take the form of a pint-sized spitfire of a woman with a heart of gold, Dee would fit the bill.  I do not know a single person who she meets that does not come away from speaking with her feeling loved and cared for.  So it was with great sadness that Father John and I accepted her resignation from the Grief Support Group.  This group that she formed, provides counseling and grief programs three times a year at St. John.  She, and the rest of the team of dedicated volunteers that provide these services, have implored us to continue and expand this incredibly essential program for our Parish Family.  These individuals are there for each person who loses a spouse, a family member, a child.  It takes a very special kind of dedication to be a shoulder to lean on and even a crutch when someone cannot stand from their grief.  If you are interested in learning more about this program, please contact me and we can begin the discussion.

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