Buildings and Grounds: Constant Management and Improvement

image5The focus to provide a church and a campus that enlivens our faith and our fellowship is one of my core focal points as General Manager here at Saint John. We will be undergoing continuous improvement projects, not only as part of our Capital Campaign to repair and renovate our existing and new buildings, but as part of our daily operations. We have made great strides in the past several months, due to the hard work of our staff, including Ovidio, Marty, Jesus, Eric, Kathy, and our newest member, Brian. From cleaning inside and out, to repainting our Stations of the Cross in the Prayer Garden, to building a new service cart for the Memorial Garden, our staff have improved our facilities. Additionally, I want to thank the Buildings and Grounds Committee and volunteers from the Art and Liturgical Ministry for planning, overseeing, and executing such a lovely Lenten Season, especially the Ballroom Garden of Repose and Holy Week environment.

This summer will see even more efforts and we are excited to share them with our Parish Family.

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