Banners Showcase the Need for Prayers and Support for Our Almost 100 First Communicants

You may have noticed the blue felt banners that are now hung around the church.  Our vibrant Parish Family has a wonderful illustration of the growth of the Catholic community here on our campus.  We have almost 100 youth celebrating their First Communion on Saturday, May 12, 2018.  That is a tremendous number, nearly double the size from just three years ago.  Natalie Campbell, our Director of Religious Education, has been instrumental in engaging the youth and families with the positive mission of Saint John and it was clear in the smiling faces as they built their Communion Banners for this celebration.

Each of our First Communicants and their families individually designed and constructed these banners as an expression of the youth’s identity as a child of God, utilizing Catholic symbols like the cross, chalice, or a dove, that are meaningful to the youth.  Sacraments are a communal celebration and we hope that these banners will renew and spark the faith of all of the families of the first communicants as well as the members of our Parish Family, partaking in the Eucharist at Mass.  As you reflect on these banners, please say a prayer for these youth and their families so you can accompany them on their faith journey.

Prayer for Those Preparing for First Communion

Loving Father, you have called us as a Parish Family to pray for and support those children who are preparing to receive you in the Eucharist for the first time.

As members of the Body of Christ, renew in us an excitement and love for the celebration of the Mass, for the sacrament of Holy Communion, and assist us in accompanying the First Communicants and their families.

May the First Communion Banners hanging above, made by the children and their families, point us toward you and your teachings.  May they also serve as a reminder of your presence in the Eucharist, at each and every sacrifice of the Mass.

We ask for your blessings upon these youth, their families, and our entire Parish Family, as together we celebrate this most Holy Sacrament.


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