Rescue boats fill a flooded street at flood victims are evacuated as floodwaters from Tropical Storm Harvey rise Monday, Aug. 28, 2017, in Houston. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip)
We have all been watching the devastation in Texas from Hurricane Harvey, and our hearts and souls are yearning to help. We are blessed to have a unique opportunity to directly support those impacted with our Parish Family’s Stewardship. Next weekend, we will have a second collection specifically for two of the Saint Vincent DePaul Society Parishes, in Victoria and Rockport Texas. These gifts will go right to the people in those coastal towns that are completely under water and at capacity in their shelters. Our SVDP Society is in communication with them and will transfer the funds to save lives and provide urgent assistance. Please give generously. If you are paying by check, you can make it out to Saint John the Evangelist Catholic Church and place in the Memo Line: Hurricane Harvey Assistance.