Saint John Surpasses 2014 CFA Goal: 2015 Priorities

ways_to_give_2015aWe have received our official notice that Saint John was able to reach and then exceed our Catholic Faith Appeal Goal for 2014, the largest goal in the Diocese. This is amazing news and I am so grateful to our Parish Family for their continued support of our community.

gym_d4-1This year, we have been given an incredible opportunity to recommit and renew our parish by our Bishop, in the form of our Capital Campaign: Build Our Future, Serve Our Past. Information Sessions are now available weekly for you to learn more about this Campaign, our vision and our goals. In order to achieve the lofty but attainable goals we have set for our Campaign, we must prioritize how we focus the financial programs here at Saint John. We will put all our efforts towards this Capital Campaign for our fundraising and energies as our primary concentration, the beating heart of our Parish Family. Secondly, we must continue to operate our church and our parish community effectively and efficiently. We have new budgetary and organizational functions to ensure we are functioning well and in the best interest of the parishioners and our community. Finally, we will continue to support and encourage giving to the CFA.

This is going to be an exciting year for Saint John, and I am thrilled to be working with all of you. Thank you for your continued support, encouragement and prayers.

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