Pope’s Message for Lent: Treat Your Bible Like Your Cell Phone

What would it be like if we all treated our Bibles like we do our cell phones?  That is the question Pope Francis posed to us last Sunday:

What would happen if we turned back when we forget it, if we opened it more times a day, if we read the message of God contained in the Bible the way we read messages on our cellphones?

I know just how blessed I am to have my faith so integrated into my life as my career and my passion rolled up into one, and that is not the norm, especially for those of us working full time and family commitments that can pull us in a thousand directions each day.  It can be so difficult to take time for God in the midst of our personal priorities.  We can feel overwhelmed with life and the struggles we are all enduring.  No matter our age, family situation, or financial position, we all can draw strength from our faith:

That’s why, he said, it is necessary to become familiar with the Bible: read it often, reflect upon it, assimilate it. The Bible contains the Word of God which is always topical and effective…  We would be better able to live a resurrected life in the Spirit, accepting and loving our brothers, especially the most vulnerable and needy, and even our enemies… And, please, do not forget – do not forget! – What would happen if we treated the Bible like we treat our cellphone. Think about this. The Bible always with us, close to us!

– Pope Francis 3/5/2017 (http://www.news.va/en/news/pope-francis-consult-the-bible-as-often-as-your-ce)

This Lent, we should all try to prioritize our faith in the midst of our lives like we do our screen time.  If you want to integrate the two together, I would recommend the Laudate, the YouVersion Bible (with the New America Standard Bible download), and the USCCB Catholic Connect Apps for your devices to help you carry your faith with you in your pocket.

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