Fruits of the Campaign: Catholic Adult Organization

When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child. But when I became a man, I put away childish things. But now abideth faith, hope, love… these three. But the greatest of these is love. – Felipe Mendoza, The Mission and 1 Corinthians 13

We have been discussing the successful kick-off of our Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) here in Naples, the first in Florida in over 25 years.  What we have not done, however, is exclusively focus on CYO in terms of new programs for the St. John Parish Family.  We have also started the first ever Catholic Adult Organization (CAO)!  As you have requested, we are instituting new, enlivening activities for the adults in our Parish Family, from 18 to 108 (and beyond).  These programs are geared similarly to CYO, focusing on wellness, social, and artistic endeavors.

As you may have seen on the Adult Faith Formation page last week, we are starting the first monthly Movie Night for Adults this weekend, in our Ballroom.  Each month, we have an interesting, insightful, powerful, enjoyable, and reflective movie that will appeal to various adult communities here at Saint John the Evangelist, as well as the general community in Naples.  There are so many movies, both from Hollywood and other areas, that touch on Catholic and Christian themes.  Sometimes, those themes are buried deep in the movie’s premise.  Other times, the main characters can be priests, sisters, or brothers, grappling with tough decisions and difficult situations.  Not every movie will appeal to every person, but I think there will be something for everyone.  Our current run of movies includes:missionposter

  • October: The Mission
  • November: Angels with Dirty Faces
  • December: It’s a Wonderful Life
  • January: Doubt
  • February: Spotlight
  • March: Risen

Admission to the movies will be free, along with the popcorn to enjoy the movie.  You can also purchase pizza and snacks, along with various beverages.  This is an opportunity for adults to come together and enjoy time with each other.  Please join us!

While the money has been pledged in our Build Our Future, Serve Our Past capital campaign to build our Life Center and some of our other urgent needs, we still need our entire Parish Family to give in order to reach our additional goals, including the detailed execution of the above programs. If you have any questions, please contact Joe Lichwalla, the Campaign Coordinator at 239-495-2001 or email: [email protected].

You can also learn more information about our Capital Campaign at:

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