December 2, 2012

As of this past Wednesday, we were experiencing numerous issues in getting the new lighting system installed.  After closing the church for an entire week, we were optimistic that we could get the job done in five business days.  The lift we requested to access the ceiling was not delivered…

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November 18, 2012

We made it! With literally no daylight remaining, the finishing touches were made to the “Lest We Forget” Veterans’ Memorial on Friday, November 9 just in time for the dedication following the 9:30 a.m. Mass on Saturday. We are very proud of this beautiful addition to our campus. Thank you…

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November 11, 2012

We are all aware of the power of prayer.  I happen to have a first hand account as thousands of you prayed for the safe arrival of my triplets in 2011.  As a result, my wife and I have three happy and healthy toddlers.  I received a letter the other…

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November 4, 2012

This coming Tuesday is election day.  From what I have seen driving by the Collier County Public Library on a daily basis, everyone and their brother is taking advantage of early voting.  I don’t know if “taking advantage” is accurate terminology as the lines are well over an hour long. …

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