February 10, 2013

Planning for the “Family Fun & Ministry Day” is well underway.  Next week’s bulletin will feature a full page cover and internal advertisement for this amazing event which will take place on Sunday, March 10 from noon until 3:00 p.m.  As part of the festivities, we will introduce our new…

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February 3, 2013

On Sunday, March 10 we will host what is now to be known as “Family Fun & Ministry Day.”  We have been through several iterations of exactly what this day will incorporate.  After discussion with numerous ministry representatives, it was decided that March 10 will be a day to bring…

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January 27, 2013

Annual Contribution Statements were mailed out last week to all parishioners who contributed at least $1.00 during the 2012 calendar year.  The statements were mailed “first class” in order to eliminate any problems with the bulk rate mailing process.  As you know, we have made great strides in the past…

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January 20, 2013

Just as advertised, we set three record high temperatures over the past week in Naples.  Currently, as I write my column, it is snowing from Minneapolis to Chicago to Detroit to Pittsburgh with ice pellets in Boston.  All of this while we are basking under sunny skies and a temperature…

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January 13, 2013

Here we are in the middle of January and it feels like it could be April from the weather we have experienced recently.  By the time you read my column, we will have set several record highs for the month of January.  While we are experiencing unusually warm weather, many…

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