September 23, 2012

While attending the International Catholic Stewardship Conference in Chicago, I could not help but think of my comments last week in Scott’ Corner.  I mentioned that many seasonal residents choose the departure date from their northern residences not by the calendar, but rather by the thermometer.  Considering that there are…

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September 16, 2012

What a sight we had at 7:30 a.m. this past Monday morning.  Perched atop the cross on the very pinnacle of the roof of the church was an extremely beautiful and stoic American Bald Eagle.  Although this was a very rare site, the symbolism of his visit is far reaching. …

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September 9, 2012

After numerous iterations and several failed attempts, we have finally chosen appropriate light fixtures for the chandeliers and wall sconces in the church.  I have certainly learned a very valuable lesson in all of this.  The lesson is that I have absolutely no business attempting to pick out light fixtures…

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September 2, 2012

Although Tropical Storm Isaac did finally reach Hurricane status, we were spared any damage whatsoever.  I think we have all seen thunderstorms with stronger winds than we experienced this past weekend.  We did receive several inches of much needed rainfall which has further hydrated the lake in front of our…

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August 26, 2012

As of this past Wednesday, we were watching the tropics very closely as Tropical Storm Isaac gained strength and continued his westward track towards the Caribbean.  If the current track holds, Isaac will affect the southern peninsula of Florida by late Sunday evening.  The National Weather Service suggests that Isaac…

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