May 26, 2013

It is no secret that the current economic state of affairs in Collier County and abroad is bad at best although slightly better than years past.  It seems that the effects of the recession have trickled down into almost every segment of the economy.  As most of you can attest,…

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May 19, 2013

I am very pleased to announce that we have signed the proposal to install a fully integrated hearing loop system in the church.  I am even more pleased to announce that our St. John the Evangelist Men’s Club has agreed to fully fund the cost of this system.  This will…

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May 12, 2013

We received a bit of a reprieve this past week with much cooler than normal weather as we head into the doldrums of summer.  A late season cool front passed through Southwest Florida on Monday resulting in high temperatures in the upper 70s and low 80s with overnight lows in…

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May 5, 2013

We are now in the final phase of “season” here in Southwest Florida.  April 30th marked what I commonly refer to as the second exodus.  The final exodus will take place on May 31st.  Many of our seasonal residents and visitors have three month contracts on their rentals and stay…

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Aprl 28, 2013

Last Friday, 458 parishioners packed the ballroom for our annual Reverse Raffle.  I would like to make one final THANK YOU to those who purchased tickets to this marvelous event.  Now that many of you have experienced what a fun time was had by all, selling tickets next year should…

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