May 12, 2013

We received a bit of a reprieve this past week with much cooler than normal weather as we head into the doldrums of summer.  A late season cool front passed through Southwest Florida on Monday resulting in high temperatures in the upper 70s and low 80s with overnight lows in the lower 60s.  Take advantage of this spectacular weather as we all know what is waiting for us the next five months.

As I walk prospective clients through the Memorial Garden, the strangely placed fire hydrant in sectionfire-hydrant-photo 22 is always the subject of numerous jokes.  The fact that dogs might visit this location and relieve themselves is the butt of many of these jokes.  I am very pleased to announce that in the next few weeks this hydrant will be moved to the exterior of the Memorial Garden.  I met with the Chief of the North Naples Fire Department last month to discuss moving the hydrant.  His initial response was “why did they put it here in the first place? It would make a lot more sense to place it outside of the garden.”  After receiving his approval, we contracted with a civil engineer who amended our Site Development Plan which was surprisingly passed through Collier County in only three weeks.  We have now contracted with an underground utility company to move the hydrant.  Thankfully, this underground work will not disturb any cremains which are currently interred in the Memorial Garden.  If you are interested in purchasing a plot in this section, it is now available and is in a highly desirable location.

We have added a link to our website which will allow you to contribute via credit card directly to the Catholic Faith Appeal.  On the home page of our website, simply click the “ways to give” tab.  On the next page, scroll to the bottom where you will see a link to contribute to the CFA.  By clicking the link, you will be directed to the secure site for the Diocese of Venice.  Remember that by contributing to the CFA via credit card, you can take advantage of whatever rewards program you are a member of and help us reach our goal all in one simple transaction.

Did you know that I participate in a monthly forum of parish managers in our area?  This is a great opportunity for us to discuss and employ “best practices” and to find out what is going on in the other parishes in our vicinity.  Participating parishes are St. Ann, St. Peter, St. William, St. Finbarr, San Marco and St. Agnes.  It is always nice to know that many of the challenges we face here at St. John the Evangelist are being experienced at other parishes in the Southern Deanery.  In addition, I have been privy to some great suggestions which we have incorporated successfully here at St. John the Evangelist.

Have you registered your children for Vacation Bible School?  If not, I strongly suggest you do so in the next week.  Our VBS is widely known as the best in the area and fills quickly.  As a matter of fact, in my 16 years at SJE, I cannot remember a year when we did not fill to capacity.  Don’t procrastinate if you want your children to have an awesome experience in our Kingdom Rock themed VBS.  Registration forms are available in the parish bulletin and on our website.

Did you know that 67 cabins have been sold for the parish cruise to set sail on January 18, 2014?  These 67 cabins will accommodate 130 parishioners who will cruise the Eastern Caribbean for eight days.  Fr. John will celebrate Mass on Sunday and every day “at sea” while on board.  This is a great opportunity to develop lasting relationships with many of your fellow parishioners.  Reservations will be capped at 150 guests so if you are hesitating, please sign up at your earliest convenience.  This cruise is very well priced and the parish will also receive Tour Credits from the cruise line which will be used to offset our Catholic Faith Appeal assessment.  See the full page flyer in this bulletin for more details.

We have received the plans and artist’s rendering for the new entry doors of the church.  These plans will be reviewed at the Buildings and Grounds meeting on May 15.  Assuming the committee is in agreement with the proposed plans, the doors will be fabricated and installed at some point during the summer.  For those who are not aware, the front doors of the church have been a chronic problem from day one.  Some may remember that upon completion of the church in 1992, someone drove a car through the set of doors on the west side and they have never been the same.  A parishioner has come forward and agreed to fully fund the cost of the new doors.

We have exceeded 60% of our goal for the 2013 Catholic Faith Appeal three months into the annual appeal.  Although donations will most certainly decrease as we head into the summer months, this is a great head start.  Thank you for your extreme generosity!  Seasonal residents and visitors, please remember to make your check payable to the CFA with St. John the Evangelist in the memo line.

In His work together,

Scott Schlossberg, MBA
General Manager

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