August 4,2013

Can you believe that Collier County Schools begin again on Monday, August 19?  That is only two weeks from this coming Monday.  Since most people associate the beginning of the school year with the end of summer, one could surmise that we have only two weeks of summer remaining.  Is…

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July 28, 2013

Click here to find a consolidated financial statement for the fiscal year (July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013) with a comparison to the prior fiscal year (July 1, 2011 – July 1, 2012.)  I will now address some of the line items that reflect large variances in relation to the…

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July 21, 2013

You may remember me mentioning that our online vendor (Pledge Connect) for credit cards/ACH drafts is merging with another company (Liturgical Publications) to enhance their capabilities and create a true synergy.  The new module is called WeShare and it is truly amazing.  I spent two hours in a webinar this…

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July 14, 2013

Many of you are aware that we irrigate our campus from the lake which borders 111th Avenue North.  The lake is rehydrated by excess rainfall which collects in the lake from runoff.  When we encounter a drought, which has happened more than a few times in the past several years,…

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July 7, 2013

As most of you know by now, my fascination for weather has been with me since childhood, so much so that I decided to major in Meteorology in college.  This fascination especially includes severe weather which we have had our fair share of recently.  When I was much younger, the…

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