Click here to find a consolidated financial statement for the fiscal year (July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013) with a comparison to the prior fiscal year (July 1, 2011 – July 1, 2012.) I will now address some of the line items that reflect large variances in relation to the prior fiscal year. I have highlighted the lines in question for easy identification.
The first line item (Offertory Collection) obviously jumps right off the page. Due to your extreme generosity, we recognized an increase of 10.38 percent versus the prior fiscal year. This is one of the largest increases I can remember in my sixteen year tenure at St. John the Evangelist.
Under Non-Assessable Receipts (Gifts and Donations – Restricted,) you will notice a substantial increase over the prior year. This income is primarily comprised of gifts towards the purchase of our new lighting system, surveillance system, “Lest we Forget” Veteran’s Memorial and the new front doors for the church. These funds are restricted to be used specifically as the donor has instructed.
Although personnel Expense shows an increase of 2.19%, the majority of this variance is due to a very comprehensive severance package. Basically, personnel expense remained flat in 2012/2013.
Following personnel, our next major expense is reflected in Church, PLC and Rectory renovations. These renovations include the new lighting system in the church, Lest we Forget Veteran’s Memorial, PLC bathrooms, dance floor refinishing, extensive repairs to our ballroom partition, three new AC Units and the accompanying Metasys control system.
We were notified by the Diocese of Venice in May that in order to recognize a 3% discount on our property and liability insurance premium, we would have to pay in full by the end of June. Historically we have had until September of the next fiscal year or three additional months to pay in full and recognize the discount. Therefore, we technically were forced to recognize two years’ worth of property and liability premiums in one fiscal year. This explains the very large variance on that line item.
Under General and Administrative expense, the first line item (Capital Expense – Buildings) is inclusive of the new Hearing Loop System in the Church as well as the renovations to the new Condo purchased for Fr. Jim. The second line item (Capital Expense – Furniture) is inclusive of furniture which was purchased to furnish the new condo.
Tuition subsidies increased nearly $40,000.00 over the prior fiscal year. This increase was due, in part, to parishioners adhering to the strict guidelines required internally to qualify for subsidy. Although this was a substantial increase, it also recognizes that more of our families are taking a vested interest in their parish by attending regularly and having their children participate in the life of the parish.
Finally, Memorial Garden expense also increased substantially ($40,237.0)0 over the prior year. Much of this expense is due to the purchase of new markers, however, a substantial portion was recognized in the movement/replacement of the fire hydrant, landscaping and irrigation repairs.
Ultimately, we finished the fiscal year “in the red”, however, this is strongly due to very extraordinary circumstances over which we had very little control. As you can see, although we “lost” $36,821, we accomplished more than I possibly could have imaged in the past fiscal year. We can only hope to be as productive this current fiscal year. Once again, this is all made possible through your extreme generosity and we thank you humbly for your continued support.
We have begun the process of killing the grass in additional sections of our Memorial Garden. Please remember that we are replacing ALL of the old markers (headstones) with new engraved granite markers. This process will continue through the end of the year or until all are replaced. The replacement sometimes involves re-sodding the section and mud-setting the granite, based on how many markers are currently in place. We apologize for the inconvenience and lack of aesthetics while these renovations are being completed.
We are finally replacing the carpet in the Parish Life Center Classroom Hallway and adjacent classrooms. This carpet is 16 years old and was of poor quality when installed. Actually, the carpet was so old that the glue had dissolved and when they were removing it, all they had to do was gently pull and it came right up! We are now using carpet tiles which we installed several months ago in one of the classrooms to see how it would wear. The finished product looks great and there is a great cost savings in using the tiles. We are able to use our in-house maintenance staff to install and the square foot cost also is less for the tiles versus traditional roll carpet. The best news of all comes when there is a major spill of irreparable damage. We simply pull up the damaged tiles and replace with new tiles. Come down and check it out when you get a chance.
In His work together,
Scott Schlossberg, MBA
General Manager