Category: #FamilyMission
Family Mission Information and Communication
Pope’s Message: Children are a Sign of the Health of Families and the Entire World
Children are a “Diagnostic” Indicator of the Health of Families and the Entire World
Immokalee Needs Our Support and Our Action

Father John and several parishioners spent the day touring the town of Immokalee this past week. Habitat for Humanity has sponsored and built several communities within the township. Our Lady of Guadalupe has dedicated their mission to the poor and homeless, and Catholic Charities, along with our own Ladies of…
Catholic Communication Campaign 2014

The Diocese of Venice will collecting for a vital Campaign during the weekend of May 31st – June 1st. This Collection communicates the Gospel through Catholic social media activities and enriches our faith through Internet, television, radio, and print media. Half of all proceeds remain in our diocese and support…