Category: #FamilyMission
Family Mission Information and Communication
May is the Month of Mary and Happy Mothers Day!

May is the month where we celebrate and honor the Mother of Jesus with special services and appreciation for her counsel and unwavering love. If you have not visited our website to see the pictures of the May Crowning, which took place on May 4th, I highly recommend it (…
Survey Says… The Results are In!

Thank you to everyone who has submitted their suggestions, ideas, and feedback on the Family Mission Survey. We had over 670 individual responses online to the survey, which far exceeded my expectations. It will take some time to go through all your responses so we can effectively prioritize the Family…
May Crowning Celebrates First Communicants and Mother Mary

With many of our First Communicants in attendance, Father John celebrated a special Mass today for Mary, Mother of Jesus. After Father’s Homily, over 25 Communicants dressed in blue sashes and their First Communion dresses and suits, assisted Father, Deacon Forrest, the Arts and Liturgical Group and the Altar Servers,…