CRS Helping Hands: You Can Help Us Make 20,000 Meals

Right here at Saint John the Evangelist we are providing an opportunity for our parishioners to make a huge impact for those who are suffering around the world!

IMG_3436We are hosting a meal-packing event where we hope to make 20,000 individual meals that will be shipped to Africa. We need people of all ages to come out and help pack these meals.

The event, which will be held Thursday, August 4 from 5:00 to
6:30 p.m., is sponsored by Catholic Relief Services’ Helping Hands program, which provides meals to refugee camps and starving families internationally.

Please RSVP with the link below if you, your friends, and your family are able to assist. This is a community-wide effort so please invite and bring everyone you know.

IMG_3341If you are unable to come to the event on August 4, but would like to donate money in order to help us reach our goal, you may do so using the link below as well.

To register or donate, visit:

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