Fire Lanes for Our Safety

IMG_0544We are a blessed parish when we have overflowing Masses, with all of us desiring to be closer to Jesus through the Sacraments and through the community that is St. John.  You will notice something new, however, when you arrive on campus and drive through our parking lots: Fire Lanes.

Unfortunately, In the past month, we had two separate incidents where an ambulance was called to help someone within our church.  In both instances, the ambulance was slowed down due to people who parked inappropriately, where there were existing “no parking” signs and in areas not designated for parking.  We should all thank God that no one was seriously hurt due to the delays caused by poor parking.  There is no doubt that the parking situation on our campus is serious.  However, we cannot endanger each other in an attempt to have a closer parking spot to the church, or to be adjacent to the exits.

We have already planned to re-engineer our parking during the renovation work of our Capital Campaign, and we have already picked up over 40 spots in the front lot alone in this task.  We will also purchase carts and other vehicles to make it easier for our Parish Family to get to Mass from the back parking lot, and vice versa.  These improvements will enable us to live on the campus we have, and still provide a safe environment in the case of an emergency.  In the meantime, I ask you to please park in designated spots.  Thank you all for your understanding during these growing pains.

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