Turning our Faith into Action: Life Center Programs

Let us pray for the grace to never grow tired of drawing from the well of the Father’s mercy and bringing it to the world. Let us ask that we too may be merciful, to spread the power of the Gospel everywhere, and to write those pages of the Gospel which John the Apostle did not write. – Pope Francis Jubilee of Devine Mercy

imagesIt can be all too easy to describe the incredible progress and focus of our Parish Family for the Build Our Future, Serve Our Past campaign as an effort to engage the young of this area, or to just say it is a coffee shop for after Mass.  That is not at all the full story.  In fact, until this past weekend, we were looking for a way to articulate the entire future of our parish in a simple, single phrase.  Wouldn’t you know it?  Pope Francis happened to do it for us in the above quotation from his Mass of Devine Mercy: “write those pages of the Gospel which John the Apostle did not write.”

The power of the Gospel of love, mercy, joy, healing, and community is what we are building.  Here are just a few examples of how the programs we are planning could write those pages:

  • A recent widow will have a place to find constant support and activities to assist with their grieving, which will be a lifelong journey.
  • Someone new to the area is interested in playing bridge, or likes playing basketball. They will find a welcome home where they can meet people and build friendships.
  • A child with a single parent working will now have a safe, supportive environment to spend their afterschool time learning and having fun. The engagement with our faith triggers a love of the church that turns into a desire to join the priesthood.
  • A non-Catholic is interested in a wellness seminar, or wants to get their child into a sports program when they would normally not be able to afford to do so. Through the positive experience of these programs, they learn a bit more about our faith and they are excited to become part of our Parish Family.  They join via RCIA and their children receive the Sacraments of Initiation and they become an active part of our church.

While the money has been pledged in our Build Our Future, Serve Our Past capital campaign to build our Life Center and some of our other urgent needs, we still need our entire Parish Family to give in order to reach our additional goals, including the detailed execution of the above programs. If you have any questions, please contact Joe Lichwalla, the Campaign Coordinator at 239-495-2001 or email: [email protected].

You can also learn more information about the Campaign at: www.sjecc.com/future

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