Pope Francis’ Joy of Love Builds the Future of Family for the Catholic Church

AmorisLaetitia_Francis1We are so blessed here at Saint John to have been involved in the shaping of the future of the Catholic Church.  From addressing the Synod of Bishops’ questions and providing responses for our Bishop Dewane, to traveling to Philadelphia to participate in the World Meeting of Families last September, we have been working to ensure the pastoral vision of our faith, which is open, loving, and healing to all people.  Our Holy Father has released his Apostolic Exhortation, AMORIS LÆTITIA.

Rather than summarizing this essential document, Saint John would ask that our Parish Family to take the time to read it in its entirety.  Please visit the link below for the full document.  More information will be forthcoming soon from Saint John, including copies of the document for reading from the parish



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