Getting Ready for Next Year: Youth Engagement at Saint John

trunk-or-treat-celebration-2010-2Can you believe it that many of the youth of our Parish Family have been out of school for a month and it is already time to start planning for post-summer activities. We have a wide set of programs and events set to make the next year a success for our Saint John families. Here is just a sampling for you to start putting on your calendar:

  • NEW! August 5th, 6:30 PM – High School Youth Group Brainstorming Night: We are excited to find out what high schoolers are looking for when it comes to their faith and their church, as well as what parents are looking for. From information on Confirmation (which occurs in 10th grade in the Diocese of Venice), to fun, social activities, to service opportunities, Saint John wants to support and encourage the growth of youth throughout their high school years and give them the tools for the world post-graduation. Please come with ideas and suggestions for invigoration and inclusion.
  • NEW! August 11th, 6:30 PM – Back to School Night: No matter what school your child may be going to, come have dinner, participate in fun family wellness activities for the school-year and learn all about the activities we have in store here at Saint John for families this coming year. We will have tables with various groups to support your family with school, backpack and spinal checks, and information on after-school and alternative school programs. A special raffle will be held at the end of the evening for prizes, so come join us!  RSVP HERE
  • September 13th, 9:45 AM – Families in Christ: Our first of our series of special breakfasts and families activities for all ages.
  • September 13th, 6:00 PM – New Altar Server Training: Has your child ever expressed an interest in helping the priests, deacons and community of St. John’s? Come to our training to learn how to become a part of this most sacred ministry.
  • September 20th – Beginning of Faith Formation 2015-2015: If you have not signed up yet, please go to our website and fill out your registration for Faith Formation for your children (ages Kindergarten through 10th Grade) to submit to our Religious Education Department. Classes are filling up already, and we want to ensure we get everyone’s preferences for their classes. Saint John is one of the few Catholic Churches in the area that puts a weekly focus on catechesis and we believe constant engagement is key to instilling our faith in our youth.
  • September 20th, 6:00 PM – New Youth Lector Training: Saint John is proud to have youth from our parish proclaim the Word of God at our 11AM and 5PM Masses each Sunday. If your child has ever expressed interest, please join us for public speaking and engaging our Parish Family through the Word.
  • October 23rd, 5:30 PM – Trunk or Treat – Join in our second annual costume and vehicle decoration event, with food and prizes from the Men’s Club so your children get a chance to wear their costumes and trick-or-treat in the safe environment of Saint John.

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