Growing Growing Up Catholic
70 Children Receive First Holy Communion
Your mom and dad made promises to Jesus at your Baptism. In the Mass Enrollment Service for First Holy Communion, your parents again proclaimed the promises that they had made to Jesus. On the eve of your First Reconciliation, in a candlelight service at Saint John the Evangelist Catholic Church, your mom and dad repeated the promises that they had made to Jesus once again. On May 4, 2013, God smiled when you, His children, received the Body and Blood of Jesus, His Son, for the very first time.
Always remember how Jesus on the night in which He was betrayed, took bread, and after He had given thanks, broke it and said, “This is my Body, which is for you. Do this in remembrance of Me.” Always remember how Jesus took the cup and said: “This cup is the new covenant in My Blood. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me. For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the death of the Lord until He comes.” (1Corinthians 11: 25-26)
Remember that Jesus’ giving of Himself on the cross is the greatest act of love. Never separate yourself from Him. Always keep His commandments and always keep Him present in your hearts as you did on this your special day. We are honored to have taken this part of your journey with you.