Tag: #KoC
St. John Knights of Columbus Council 11281 and Assembly 3308 Officer Installation
We Remember the Fallen at the 2018 Memorial Day Mass
Over 150 Children Enjoy The Hunt at Saint John

Showcasing their core values of charity, unity and fraternity, our Knights of Columbus Council 11281 sponsored our Parish Family’s annual Easter Egg Hunt this past Saturday, engaging over 150 children ages zero to 12 with over 1750 Easter eggs! The parents, grandparents, guardians, and youth all enjoyed a wonderful breakfast…
Last Fish Fry of Lent This Friday

Bring your friends and family here at Saint John for our annual Fish Bake and Fry every Friday during Lent. These delicious meals will be served by our Knights of Columbus in our new community space, including our Rome Room and outdoor communal tables (weather permitting). Enjoy baked or fried fish and…