This past Thursday, September 6, our Knights of Columbus Council and Assembly installed their the new officers. Officers are selected every year to lead our Knights in living out our Parish Mission: To Know, To Love, and To Serve God in His Church and Our Community. The evening commenced with a special Mass celebrated by fellow Knight, Father Rourke, who poignantly connected the daily Gospel, Luke 5:1-11, to the vision and works of the founder of the Knights of Columbus, the Venerable Michael J. McGivney. It was on the pillars of charity, unity, and fraternity that Father McGivney answered God’s call to become a Fisher of Men, founding the Knights of Columbus which has grown to over 2 million members worldwide.
Charity to both our church and our neighbors is a core principle of the Knights, and our Council lives it out every single day, from delivering food to various pantries every week to helping with traffic here on our campus, to cleaning up the Veterans Cemetery in Immokalee. If you are a Catholic gentleman age 18 or older, and you are looking to become involved in the community, the Knights are a great option to consider. If you are interested in joining please contact Grand Knight Joe Hemrick at 239-450-2522 or