Happy 25th Anniversary! Did you know that the first Mass celebrated at St. John the Evangelist took place on Saturday, February 27, 1988, at 4:30 p.m. in the cafeteria next door at Naples Park Elementary? I am sure there are still plenty of parishioners out there who have been here since day one and remember stacking chairs before and after Mass in the cafeteria. We have come a long way in 25 short years and St. John the Evangelist has developed into an amazing parish with even more amazing parishioners.
As a reminder, Sunday, March 17 is St. Patrick’s Day. Because St. Patrick’s Day falls on a Sunday this year, we will be celebrating the annual St. Patrick’s Day Mass at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, March 16. St. Vincent de Paul will be the recipient of the entire collection taken during this Mass. As you know, our St. Vincent De Paul Society assists needy families within our parish boundaries and sometimes beyond. Many families in our parish and community are in need of help in the way of rental assistance, utilities, fuel and even the basic necessities such as groceries. Through the generosity of your donations, St. Vincent De Paul is able to provide for these families. In addition, the funds raised through our parish St. Patrick’s Day party on March 17 will be used to benefit the St. Vincent De Paul Society here at St. John the Evangelist. Between both events last year, we raised in excess of $18,000.00 to assist families in need. Following Mass, the St. Vincent De Paul Society will once again serve Irish coffee and pastries in the ballroom of the PLC. Entertainment will be provided by the Black Velvet Band, which is composed of members of our very own St. John the Evangelist parish. Don’t forget to wear your green!
This weekend will be your last opportunity to register for the Family Fun and Ministry Day to be held on Sunday, March 10. I strongly encourage you to register in advance as we will have a very difficult time ordering food, beverages and supplies without your cooperation. As you certainly know by now, this event is completely free of charge, however, we need your help in obtaining an accurate count. The priests at all Masses this weekend will mention the event and there will be registration forms available at all exits.
If you are planning on Attending the Family Fun and Ministry Day, I urge you to park your vehicle either in the parking lot to the north of the Claussen Center or in the lot at Naples Park Elementary. Because of the VERY large crowd expected, parking will be at a premium for Masses. Let us think of those who will be attempting to find a parking spot for the 1:15p.m. Mass while we are enjoying ourselves at the event.
At the K of C Vocations Dinner in November, one of our very generous parishioners bid on a silent auction item for a full day deep sea fishing trip. As it happens, the captain of the charter (Captain Richard Cain) is the District Deputy for the Knights of Columbus. The final bid of $900 entitled the winner to bring seven friends along for a day of fun. Fr. John and I were two of the seven invited to participate. I know that many are leery of bidding on auction items as they are most likely unfamiliar with the vendor. I can tell you that this was a magnificent day of fishing on a massive vessel, complete with four beds and a bathroom. The seas were virtually calm even at nearly 30 miles offshore. Captain Cain took us to several of his favorite spots and we were all worn out from reeling in fish after fish. As it turns out, Grouper were out of season which must be why we caught many keepers, only to throw them back. All said, we brought home 56 Snapper and all eight participants took home a healthy bag of filets for dinner. Attached is a picture of one of the large grouper I caught and released. Thanks to the K of C, Captain Cain and the generous parishioner that made this day a pleasant reality.
As of this past Tuesday, we have sold over 200 tickets for the St. Patrick’s Day party to be held on March 17 in the PLC ballroom. I am very pleased with the early turnout for this event. We will most likely cap attendance at 400 so if you are planning on attending, I suggest getting your ticket sooner than later. Tickets are available in the parish office for only $25.00. This price includes an open bar. In an effort to keep the ticket price amenable, the Men’s Club has offered to tend bar for this event and will be mixing drinks and pouring your green beer for the duration.
Did you know that the parish cruise in January raised over $8,000.00 for the Catholic Faith Appeal? These funds were generated through Tour Credits and rebates from the cruise line based on the large number of cabins sold. In addition, $1,300.00 was raised for the Diocese of Venice Missions Program through offertory collections at Mass while on board. Sales are well underway for the 2014 parish cruise. 26 cabins have already been booked with 46 individuals slated to cruise thus far. Who knows how many will be sold in the next ten months. This is a great way to support your parish while getting a great deal on a cruise. In addition, Fr. John comes along with the package, celebrating Mass while on board. Many thanks to our faithful Cruise Director, Dr. David Quist, for putting everything together. Dave single-handedly coordinated all aspects of the 2013 cruise in an effort to save money for those on board. He has graciously agreed to do the same in 2014!
In His work together,
Scott Schlossberg, MBA,
General Manager