Did you attend the St. Patrick’s Day Mass? We had a full house for the annual Mass celebrated by our very own Fr. John. Following Mass, the St. Vincent De Paul Society once again hosted a reception serving pastries, juice and Irish coffee. This year the Black Velvet Band entertained for several hours to a standing room only crowd in the ballroom. If you have taken a glance at the collection summary, you will see that the collection from St. Patrick’s Day was $15,377.00. This is an increase of nearly 80% over last year’s collection of $8,548.00. All of the funds from this collection will be used by our St. Vincent De Paul Society to help those in our community that are in need. Thank you very much to everyone that gave so generously to help our brothers and sisters in need.
The website is now up and running in a limited capacity. You are able to view mass schedules, download bulletins and most importantly, read Scott’s Corner. If you would like a taste of what the capabilities of our new website will be, click on Fr. John’s message and watch the walk out video that has been created. We apologize for the delay in getting the website live.
The International Festival to be held on April 10 now has representation from 10 countries. Those countries participating include Ireland, Belize, Vietnam, Lebanon, Poland, Slovakia, France, Italy, Haiti and the United States. This event is replacing the Parish Picnic and is being sponsored by the Men’s Club. The cost is $10 per adult, $5 for children or $20 per family (immediate family only.) This price includes unlimited beverages, including wine and beer. Entertainment will be provided in the PLC Ballroom. If you are willing to participate as a representative of your country of origin, please contact Peter Heaney at 290.8484 or at [email protected]. Remember that you will be given a stipend so that you may purchase food. Please see the flyer in this bulletin for further details.
No takers as of yet! Do you have a pop up tent that you would like to loan the parish for International Day? We would like each Country represented to have an individual tent setup in the courtyard. We are looking for the 10’ x 10’ Gazebo tents that can stand alone. If you are willing to loan yours, please contact me at 566.1678 to arrange. Thanks in advance for your consideration of this request.
You watched him grow up at St. John the Evangelist and now PJ has come into his own. Paul Todd, Jr. or “PJ” as we know him, will perform his debut concert on April 14 in the ballroom of the Parish Life Center to support the Mission Backpack program and the Youth on mission in the Caribbean. PJ will be accompanied by an amazing supporting cast. There is NO COST to attend this concert however we do ask that you make a generous donation the evening of the event to support this endeavor. Fr. John may even get up and perform a number or two. Tickets are available at no charge in the parish office. You MUST have a ticket in order to attend and we only have 350 allotted for St. John the Evangelist. UPDATE: We have distributed all 350 tickets allotted for St. John the Evangelist. We have secured an additional 150 tickets to be given away on a first come, first served basis. As of Wednesday, only 100 of the additional 150 remained. I strongly suggest that you do not delay. Please see the flyer in this bulletin for further details on the evening’s events.
A very generous new family to the parish stepped forward and committed to purchase the statue of St. Francis of Assisi this past week. Another philanthropic parishioner purchased Station II as well as the final bench in the Prayer Garden. This leaves Stations I, V, VII, IX, X, XI and XII. There are still seven of ten benches remaining in the Memorial Garden and four outside the front of church. Stations of the Cross are $7,500.00 and benches are $3,000.00. Two new additions to the prayer garden available for sale: We are going to offer a beautiful fountain (pictured), which will be located in between Stations III an IV. We are also going to offer a massive 9’ x 5’ mosaic of Assisi. Pricing on the fountain is $5,000.00 and pricing for the mosaic is $6,000.00. When the conceptual sketch is completed for the mosaic, I will publish in the bulletin. We would like to have all of the Stations and benches spoken for by the end of season so that we may order the granite, break ground and have the grand opening by the end of the year.
I received a very generous donation in the mail several weeks ago and am unable to locate the donor to properly acknowledge the gift. This was an IRA charitable distribution in the amount of $2,600.00. The check originated from “William Blair & Company” and the funds were distributed through the “Delaware Charter Guarantee & Trust.” If you are the generous donor, could you please contact me to ensure proper acknowledgement for tax purposes.
We are nearly 33% (32.71%) or one-third of the way to our goal with regards to the 2011 Catholic Faith Appeal. We are still well ahead of last year’s appeal with nearly $145,000.00 pledged just over one month into the campaign. If you are a seasonal resident or visitor, please make your check payable to the Catholic Faith Appeal with St. John the Evangelist in the memo line. Thank you in advance for your extreme generosity.
Parish Resource Directories are now available in the narthex of the church. If you have yet to pick one up, please do so. The directory is very well done and will provide you with valuable information about your parish and all of the programs and ministries offered.
Thank you so much for supporting St. John the Evangelist.