March 23, 2014

As you are aware, this weekend we will be administering a second collection for the Capital Reserve Fund.  I would like to thank each and every one of you in advance for your generosity in allowing us to build this fund which will have long lasting effects on our campus.

It is that time of year again that the beautiful Tabebuia begins its annual bloom.  Although I wish it would last longer, the bright yellow bloom is incredibly vibrant and a sure signal of the beginning of spring.  Again this year, the Tabebuia bloom is a bit premature due to a very warm winter in general; however, the recent cool spell may have slowed the process giving us an extra week or two to appreciate the splendor of this tree.  By the way, we have three yellow Tabebuia and one pink on campus.

Following up on the mention of spring in the previous paragraph, did you know that spring has officially sprung.  Although it doesn’t mean much for us in Southwest Florida, I am sure there are more than a few up north who are celebrating this momentous occasion. For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, the vernal equinox (or spring equinox) takes place in March when the sun passes over the celestial equator. This year, the sun moved across the invisible line between hemispheres on Thursday at 12:57 p.m. EDT.

As of today (Wednesday, March 19) there are still 200 tickets remaining for the Reverse Raffle on March 29.  I am once again getting that uneasy feeling with regards to selling out what has become a great annual event to benefit the Catholic Faith Appeal.  Remember we must sell ALL 300 tickets in order for the event to take place.  We are going to implement all of the tactics that I am aware of in order to make this event a reality and a tremendous success.  This weekend there will be a representative outside of the main Church entrance before and after every Mass selling tickets.  This worked very well last year and many purchased their ticket via the remote location although we had fewer tickets remaining at this time last year.  Ironically, last year’s event was held on April 19 or a full three weeks later than this year’s event.  The thought process was by moving the raffle into March this year, we would have a much larger pool of parishioners to choose from as many would not have yet left to go back north.

In addition, we will send out an email blast to our 1,300+ parishioners who have chosen to be on our distribution list.  This will not be a solicitation but rather a notification of an upcoming event and where to purchase your tickets if interested.  Included in the email will be a link to purchase your ticket through our website.  Obviously, tickets are always available in the parish office during business hours.

Following the St. Patrick’s Day Mass at the reception in the PLC I made an announcement to the over 400 in attendance regarding the Reverse Raffle.  It seems that many are still confused regarding the process of a Reverse Raffle.  Because I published this info last week and because it takes up too much real estate in my column, I will include it in the email blast but not in Scott’s Corner this week.

This is my last opportunity to stress the importance of the Reverse Raffle and ensuring its survival moving forward.  We will raise a minimum of $12,000 for the Catholic Faith Appeal through the raffle.  You get a great night out with your spouse or significant other and stand the chance of winning some serious cash.  Thanks for purchasing your ticket today!

We certainly did not have any problems selling tickets for the St. Patrick’s Day party in the ballroom this past Sunday.St-Pat-DSCN1218  This event sold out a full 10 days prior to the party and we turned away countless parishioners who waited to purchase their ticket.  Ultimately, we had a full ballroom and I didn’t hear one complaint.  With a crowd this large, that is quite an accomplishment. As it turns out, the 425 that chose to attend were treated to an incredible deal for only $25.00.  At around 7:15 p.m., our very own Irish dance troupe (Tir-Na-Nog) took the stage and entertained the crowd for 30 minutes.  Dancers from the age of 5 to 20 performed numerous jigs and reels.  Some were soft shoe and others were in clogs, but all were very entertaining.  After the dance troupe departed we were privy to an authentic piping experience by the Naples Harp and Thistle Band.  This band of 20 performed for 30 minutes and had the crowd captivated as they wowed us with an Irish rendition of Amazing Grace.  Finally, due to an injury, Fr. John was unable to dance a jig but instead performed his rendition of the Irish favorite, “Danny Boy.”  Again, for a mere $25.00, this was a great night of entertainment.  Frisco’s catered a traditional Irish meal of Corned Beef and Cabbage and fed everyone in a span of no more than 40 minutes.

In His work together,

Scott Schlossberg, MBA
General Manager

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