March 20, 2011

 A sure sign of spring is the blooming of my favorite tree in Southwest Florida, the Tabebui. The Tabebuia is an absolutely spectacular deciduous tree which displays spring-time color in the form of yellow trumpet shaped flowers. Although we only have a few remaining on campus due to Hurricane Wilma back in 2005, what we do have will put on quite a show when in full bloom. These trees will also provide a breathtaking backdrop for the upcoming prayer garden. I am going to approach the Buildings and Grounds committee to see if we may add a few more to our campus so everyone can take advantage of this beautiful tree.

Wristbands for the International Festival to be held on April 10 are now available in the parish office.  This event is replacing the Parish Picnic and is being sponsored by the Men’s Club. The cost is $10 per adult, $5 for children or $20 per family (immediate family only.)  This price includes unlimited beverages, including wine and beer. Entertainment will be provided in the PLC Ballroom.  We now have representation from the United States, Ireland, Vietnam, Belize, Lebanon, Poland and Slovakia.  We have tentative representation from Colombia. We would really like to have representation from Mexico and other European countries including Italy and Greece. If you are not comfortable tasting delicacies from around the world, rest assured that there will be hot dogs and hamburgers to tempt your palate. If you are willing to participate as a representative of your country or origin, please contact Peter Heaney at 290.8484 or at  Remember that you will be given a stipend so that you may purchase food.  Please see the flyer in this bulletin for further details.

 Do you have a pop-up tent that you would like to loan the parish for International Day? We would like each Country represented to have an individual tent setup in the courtyard. We are looking for the 10’ x 10’ Gazebo tents that can stand alone.  If you are willing to loan yours, please contact me at 566.1678 to arrange. Thanks in advance for your consideration of this request.

Have you noticed that the Baptismal Fount in the Narthex is once again functional?  I would like to thank Bill Shephard for his generous gifts of time and talent to completely rework the fount.  Bill replaced a faulty pump and completely redesigned the plumbing so that the new pump will not burn out again.  Bill also gives of his time during the week to keep the Electrical Room in tip top condition.  For those who may not know Bill, he is the popcorn vendor for our annual Super Bowl Party. Bill also is worthy of an award for longest commute to daily and weekend Mass.  He summers in Wisconsin and winters in Alva, yet his love for St. John the Evangelist brings him to commute nearly 45 miles to Mass. Thanks, Bill, for all you do for your parish.

I am extremely pleased to announce that Jim and Marianne Coogan have fully funded the cost to replace our crumbling sign at 111th Avenue North.  Installation of the new sign will begin in the next couple of weeks and will optimistically be completed by Easter.  The new sign will be oriented perpendicular to 111th Avenue North so that passersby may read the sign travelling East or West.  Thank  you, Jim and Marianne, for your very generous gift.

Paul Todd, Paul Todd, Jr. and friends will host a concert on April 14 in the ballroom of the Parish Life Center to support the Mission Backpack program and the Youth on mission in the Caribbean. There is NO COST to attend this concert, however, we do ask that you make a generous donation the evening of the event to support this endeavor. Fr. John may even get up and perform a number or two with Paul.  Tickets are available at no charge in the parish office.  You MUST have a ticket in order to attend and we only have 350 allotted for St. John the Evangelist.  Tickets will be available in the parish office this coming Monday. I strongly suggest that you do not delay. Paul and PJ performed a similar version of this new concert two weeks ago and it sold out two nights straight.  Please see the flyer in this bulletin for further details on the evening’s events.

On the opposite page you will find a succinct plan for the Paniccia Prayer Garden. You may depict the locations of the individual Stations of the Cross, St. Francis of Assisi statue as well as the benches.  There are currently nine Stations of the Cross and ONE bench remaining.  The statue of St. Francis of Assisi still remains although I am meeting with an interested family this week that is considering purchasing this lone statue and fountain.  The Stations that are committed are noted in red.  The cost for the St. Francis statue is $15,000.00, Stations of the Cross are $7,500.00 and benches are $3,000.00. We are also planning on offering benches in the Memorial Garden and in front of the Church, if that would suit your needs better.  Two benches have been purchased in the memorial garden leaving six from which to choose.  Some of you have taken advantage of my offer to pay for your Station or bench over the course of seven months or by the end of October. We would like to have all of the Stations, benches and the St. Francis Statue spoken for by the end of season so that we may order the granite, break ground and have the grand opening by the end of the year.

We continue to make great strides with regards to the 2011 Catholic Faith Appeal. We are now well ahead of last year’s appeal with over $132,000 pledged only one month into the campaign.  If you are a seasonal resident or visitor, please make your check payable to the Catholic Faith Appeal with St. John the Evangelist in the memo line. Thank you in advance for your extreme generosity.

Parish Resource Directories are now available in the narthex of the church.  If you have yet to pick one up, please do so. The directory is very well done and will provide you with valuable information about your parish and all of the programs and ministries offered.

Thank you so much for supporting St. John the Evangelist.

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