On the front page of this bulletin, Fr. John does an amazing job of succinctly explaining the need for a legitimate Capital Reserve Fund and the justification for a second collection next week in order to begin accumulating funds for this purpose.
What capital improvements are needed on campus? The list is long and will continue to grow as the buildings and infrastructure age over time. Large scale items on the short term radar are the replacement of the roof on the church, replacement of the flat roof (membrane) on the Parish Life Center, AC units in the PLC and new asphalt in the parking lot. The now 17 year old Parish Life Center is certainly beginning to show its age and in need of many smaller scale capital improvements. New ballroom carpeting, office carpeting, draperies in the ballroom and library, new tables and chairs, classroom bathroom renovations, just to name a few.
Historically we have handled capital improvements “on the fly” if you will, simply addressing and implementing when additional operating funds were available. This strategy is one we look to move away from as it is not fiscally responsible. We hope you will appreciate the fact that we are planning proactively moving forward. In order to accomplish our goals and keep our campus looking great into the future will require the help of our parishioners. Please prayerfully consider giving generously to the second collection next week so that we may begin the capital reserve fund with a “bang.” You still have one more week to contemplate, discern and pray with regards to what you would like to contribute.
Did you attend the Second Annual Family Fun & Ministry Day last Sunday? If you didn’t, I can honestly say that you missed an incredibly special event. Family Fun & Ministry Day was once again everything we thought it could be and more. I have to say that this event was a tremendous success and very well coordinated on all accounts. The Men’s Club and their wives did an amazing job in serving food to over 950 guests with very little wait time. The food was very good and we did not run out. It is estimated that the Men’s Club served 1,356 sandwiches — not to mention all of the accoutrements. All of the ministry booths were located in the ballroom this year which was filled to capacity the majority of the day giving those ministries plenty of visibility. Outside of the ballroom, we had activities galore for the kids. There was a popcorn stand, a cotton candy stand, a snow cone stand, a craft stand and a cake walk tent all within twenty feet of the PLC. We had a beautiful tent setup in the field which provided additional seating for 300. The giveaways (bags and license plate frames) were located in the tent as well as a bar and a band performing everything from Bob Marley to Michael Jackson. There was a dunk tank, a rock climbing wall, a wrecking ball, a bungee run race, an obstacle course, two bounce houses and a wood workshop. Suffice it to say, there was something for everyone. And now for the thank you’s and there are a lot to go around.
First, I would like to thank you, our parishioners, for attending. Secondly, I would like to thank our ministries for your participation in this year’s event. We had over 30 ministries around the perimeter of the ballroom, which was a substantial increase over last year. I would also like to thank the plethora of volunteers who came forward to help me man all of the special events and activities. These volunteers included members of the Knights of Columbus, Ladies of Charity, Finance Council and many more parishioners who just wanted to lend a hand.
Next, I would like to thank my maintenance staff for their tireless work in preparing the grounds and facilities for this event. They put in a ton of hours and, as a result, everything looked great and flowed very well. Although I already recognized the Men’s Club, I would be remiss for not doing so again. They really made this event a success with great planning and coordination.
Now for those outside the parish: Thanks to Nick Kouloheras (parishioner and Habitat for Humanity liaison for St. John) for arranging with Home Depot to provide the wood workshop which the kids really liked. All said, our kids built over 200 wooden birdhouses and race cars. Finally, I would like to thank the Collier County Sheriff’s Office for providing the rock climbing wall completely free of charge. The rock wall was a huge hit and there was a waiting line virtually all day. In addition to providing the wall, three deputies “manned” the wall for the entire event.
Assuming you are reading this bulletin in Mass, the date is either March 15 or 16. What does this mean? It means that there are only two weeks remaining until the Reverse Raffle. We are once again hosting the raffle as a fundraiser for the Catholic Faith Appeal. This year it is three full weeks earlier than last year. Obviously this means that there will be more parishioners in town but also leaves us less time to sell tickets. For those who remember, we hosted just such an event last year and raised $12,000 for the CFA. For those not familiar with a Reverse Raffle, below is a summary of how the event works. We MUST sell all 300 tickets for the event to take place and currently we are “behind the eight ball” with regards to sales. Please help us and purchase yours today!
“What is a Reverse Raffle?” It is exactly what the name implies. Rather than the first ticket drawn winning the raffle, the last ticket drawn in a Reverse Raffle is the big winner. In this particular instance, we will be selling 300 tickets for the raffle at a cost of $100 each. The winning ticket (or the last one drawn) will win $10,000.00. This is a great return on a $100 investment. In addition, your $100 ticket also gains you (and a guest) admission to the party where you will enjoy dinner, entertainment and an open bar. In order to keep everyone’s interest throughout the evening, we will also offer cash prizes randomly as the raffle progresses. The first ticket drawn will win $100 as will every 25th ticket drawn for the remainder of the raffle. So in other words, 12 lucky attendees will get their money back and enjoy a great evening of entertainment at no cost. In addition, a DJ will be playing music before the raffle begins and then playing 30 minute sets after the drawing of every 100 numbers allowing those who want to get up and dance the opportunity to do so. You need not be present to win, so if you are headed back to your northern residence and unable to attend, you are encouraged to purchase a ticket with the comfort of knowing that we will either send you a check for your winnings or keep your winnings in safekeeping until you return in the fall. If you have never attended a reverse raffle, let me assure you that it is a lot of fun. When the drawing is down to the final ten ticket holders, there is a great deal of excitement in the air creating an “electric” atmosphere. I have hosted several of these events in the past several years, and on many occasions there are multiple winners as the final three to five ticket holders have opted to split the $10,000.00 grand prize. Last year, there was only one winner who took home the entire $10,000.00 grand prize. So allow me to recap…..For $100, you will receive admission for two, a catered meal, an open bar and entertainment by a DJ as well as the chance to win $10,000.00. I can think of no better deal locally for a cost of $50 per person. The Reverse Raffle will take place on Saturday, March 29 at 6:30 p.m. in the ballroom of the Parish Life Center. Tickets are currently available in the parish office or online. This is a great opportunity for all of us to support the Catholic Faith Appeal while enjoying great entertainment and great camaraderie. Remember, we must sell all 300 tickets in order for the event to take place.
The St. Patrick’s Day party this Sunday is sold out and has been for over a week. We have turned away countless parishioners who waited to purchase their tickets. Hopefully, we will see you there next year!
In His work together,
Scott Schlossberg, MBA
General Manager